Blog text Regina

A further “Meet the Author” session.
In a relaxed setting the ins and outs, and the ups and downs of British society and politics were discussed.
Here is an English summary of the review written by Regina (seen here with the author).
For the full-length original review, in German, see the “News” section above.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall is no fairy tale. The mirror which the author wishes us to look into lies in shards on the floor beneath us and there is no fairy godmother in sight.
Life is movement, and movement is progress and when progress meets standstill, confrontational issues cannot be far off.
M.J Boyle takes us on a journey through seven decades. We accompany an average family and are allowed to witness their ordeals, their quarrels, and their striving for a better life. At the outset the family leaves Ireland and settles in England, an adventure which is by beset with issues concerning integration, social standing, morals, integrity, social justice and human rights.
The 60s and the 70s pose further difficulties as society as a whole is questioning itself.
The author sees the conservative thought patterns and behavioural restrictions as catalysts for the difficulties omnipresent to this very day.
One cannot foresee whether decisions made are correct, or not. All the more important to be able to reflect, adapt, and gather new strength for the future.
The shards are mirroring the multiple aspects of people`s lives and developments in society. These glimpses are enough to show us if, and where, change is possible, if desired”


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