Covid Inquiry

As I sit and read the reports coming in about the Covid Inquiry which is currently being held, I can`t help but think about my book “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”.
My aim with the book is to be thought-provoking and to prompt people to think more about what is happening (politically and socially) and about how society is developing.
One of the aspects highlighted in the book is “Entitlement”, another is “Class”, yet another is “Misogyny”, also featured are “Values” and “Lies”.
And now I see all of those paraded around as common features in the everyday schedule of the workings in No., 10 during the pandemic and thus, (why should it be otherwise?) before and after.
I have just finished reading John Crace`s sketch in the Guardian where he writes of “macho culture and rampant misogyny” and finishes with “when the chips were down, she wasn´t one of us” referring to Helen MacNamara.
When it comes to the inquiry, not only the expletive language, much more the obvious abundant loathing of the populous oozing from the remarks circling around Westminster, can only leave one shaking one`s head in disbelief.
How could we have let it go so far?
Are we ready to forgive and forget?
Is it really time to move on?


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