They are playing a game ……

I found myself asking:  is this really such a scandal? Or, merely a signal to anyone planning to sign contracts?
What am I on about?
It has been revealed that Downing Street, and in fact most of Whitehall, use a specific pen for official documents. The suppliers of the Pilot Vpen claim it is perfect “for those learning to write with ink”, so these are possibly not necessarily pre-destined to be chosen for government use.  
According to the manufacturer`s website “the rounded shape of the tip makes Vpen more forgiving of angle so it`s great for left-handed people (as well)” – maybe that is why it was chosen.
However, the real feature is that the ink is erasable. Thus, if I change my mind, I can erase what I have written, or signed.                            
In the US this is forbidden, permanent ink has to be used on official documents.Not so in Great Britain.  
The implications are quite worrying when one starts to think of the possibilities open.         
But, fear not, the N.10 press secretary has said “The PM has never used the erase function nor would he”. So, that`s OK, then.
For my part, I will stick to my old-fashioned fountain pen, messy ink-pot, and blotting paper.                      
If I make a mistake, I`m going to have to own up to it.
#book passion

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