Today I will choose Joy

In any „Telephoning“ seminar, or course, one will be told that your smile can be heard. And, I believe, it really can. Somehow this purely visual expression can be transported down the line and becomes a perceived positive signal.
In face-to-face conversations, we check (albeit unconsciously) the meaning of what we are hearing against what we are seeing in the face of the person speaking. Try saying something really awful, hurtful, or offensive with a smile on your face, you`ll see, it doesn`t work. Same thing applies if you wish to say something exciting, enjoyable, or loving with a frown in your forehead.  Doesn`t work, either.                                                                            
Leaving aside all areas where direct communication is needed and  beating about the bush would only cause more issues, we could aspire to be more positive in our discourse with our fellow citizens.
At the end of the day, if I approach situations in a more positive manner, I may well get a more positive outcome. And, if I use more positive words, a more positive scenario is created. Everyone feels so much better for it, so much happier.                                                                                                                                            
I once heard “choose well the words you openly speak, keep them soft and sweet – for you never know from day to day which ones you`ll have to eat”                                                                                         
How true. So, as often as possible, I will say “Today I will choose Positive, today I will choose Joy”


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