
Covid Inquiry

As I sit and read the reports coming in about the Covid Inquiry which is currently being held, I can`t help but think about my book “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”.My aim with the book is to be thought-p ........

Blog text Regina

A further “Meet the Author” session.In a relaxed setting the ins and outs, and the ups and downs of British society and politics were discussed.Here is an English summary of the review written by Regi ........

English is an embracing language amass of words for every situation and emotion

English is an embracing language amass of words for every situation and emotion. But then, sometimes even English just doesn`t have the right word for an action, or a feeling.                          ........

What is in a word

Numerous media outlets and institutions would like us to change the phrases we use in connection with the climate as it will, so they say, change the impact of the words on the listener.               ........

Today I will choose Joy

In any „Telephoning“ seminar, or course, one will be told that your smile can be heard. And, I believe, it really can. Somehow this purely visual expression can be transported down the line and become ........

Meet the author session

“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall “was written to show how Great Britain has developed both socially and politically since the 1950s. It is an attempt to understand how a once such great country had managed ........

Class differences and class awareness in great Britain

Class differences and class awareness in Great Britain are other issues featured in my book “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”There are so many ways of assessing social class, it is difficult to know where ........

“Trouble brews when entitlement overtakes honour, integrity, and goodwill”

This quote from “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall” shows that the subject of entitlement has been around for a while, and that it proves itself as yet another parallel (maybe even a constant) between past a ........

They are playing a game ……

I found myself asking:  is this really such a scandal? Or, merely a signal to anyone planning to sign contracts?What am I on about?It has been revealed that Downing Street, and in fact most of Whiteha ........

“Common Sense” calling ….

We have all seen the letters CE on many products as it is required to show that the manufacturers have checked that the EU safety, health or environmental requirements are being met. It is a usefu ........